2 de junho de 2013

Gola Branco Pérola Crochet Collar

Esta Golinha Romântica ou 
Peter Pan Collar eu fiz e guardei,  
faltava algum detalhe para complementar 
o modelo,  e hoje, escolhi salpicar a 
Gola com bolinhas peroladas brancas.

4 comentários:

areiasdejade disse...

Linda demais, e fáci de executar, parabens!

Unknown disse...

Is this ( https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=140864706104509&set=a.125956010928712.1073741871.125781104279536&type=3&theater ) your design? It has this blog address on the pic but it is not on this blog. Can you tell us if it was your design and can you please give us a link to where it is visible on your blog?

Thank you,

Crochet Inspiration

ROSE disse...

Sorry, I can't find this on facebook.

Pink Rose Crochet

zenuwpees disse...

C'est très beau avec les perles Marie-Claire